Nurses Guild

Chair: Sis. Carolyn Brooks

Health Ministry,(First Aid) Assist Pastor, members, Visitors in case of emergencies until Paramedics or family members arrive

  • Major activities this year
  • Community Health and Wellness Expo in November
  • Walking for Wellness daily
  • Chair Yoga every Wednesday 4:00-5:00 p.m.
  • Blood pressure screening every 2nd and 4th Sunday 9:30-10:30 a.m. 
  • CPR classes throughout the year 
  • Posting helpful health notes in announcement

Ministry Meeting Day/Time First Saturday in each month 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School

Chair: Deacon Billy Fox

Co-Chair: Sis. Delorise Moore

The mission of the NPBC Sunday is to educate our members in the Word and ways of our God, by teaching His word to His people.

Ministry Meeting Day/Time Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School Leaders Meeting: Wednesdays from 5:45-6:45 p.m.

The following Sunday morning classes are available in person and on Zoom.

Children’s Sunday School Class

with Sis. Melody Cunningham and Sis. Ann Johnson

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 792 542 0392

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,7925420392# US (New York)

+13017158592,,7925420392# US (Washington DC)

Senior High School Sunday School Class

Ages 15 and up with Bro. Derek Cunningham

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 205 492 7576

Deacons Ministry

Chair: Deacon Alvin Johnson

Co-Chair: Deacon Derek Cunningham

The deacons are the pastor’s assistants and work from the Pastor’s office to provide care for church members.

NPBC Ushers

Chair: Sis. Doris Brooks

Co-Chair: Bro. Archie Ruggs

The Ushers:

  • Serve every Sunday for each service
  • Serve at all Funerals
  • Set up the pulpit for each service
  • Assist and serve families during repast

Ministry Meeting Day/Time First Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM

Deaconess Ministry

Chair: Sis. Addie Jo Chambers

Co-Chair: Sis. Felicia Minor

The Deaconess Ministry assists in carrying out the sacred ordinances of Communion and Baptism, supports the Pastor’s office and the Deacon’s Ministry, and ministers to the congregation and Birmingham community through its outreach programs. We host a birthday party at New Pilgrim Towers annually. We support the NPBC Benevolent Ministry, Firehouse Ministries, and Children’s Village.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time Saturday before the first Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Prayer Ministry

Chairperson: Sis Dorothy Scott

Co-chairperson: Sis Sadena Ward

The mission of the Prayer Ministry to draw closer to the Lord.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.

Trustee Board

New Pilgrim Trustee Board

Chair: Sis. Mary Bimbo

Co-Chair: Bro. Theophilus Smith

The Trustee Board is a business committee that looks after the church’s property and all other facilities.

Youth Greeters

Chair: Sis. Melody Cunningham

Co-Chair: Sis. Linda Cunningham

The Youth Greeters extend hospitality to all visitors of New Pilgrim Baptist Church. The ministry allows the youth to actively participate in worship. The Youth Greeters also serve the community in an annual service project.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time 3rd Wednesdays 7:10 PM