Serving God With A
Local & Global Impact
New Pilgrim Baptist Church, led by Pastor Marcus Jerkins, is a Bible-based church where we love God totally, love people authentically, and demonstrate it daily. NPBC is located in the city of Birmingham, in the Titusville neighborhood. With deep roots in the Civil Rights Movement, New Pilgrim serves God with a local and global impact. We’re glad you’re interested in learning more about who we are. We invite you to join us for Sunday service, Wednesday Bible Study, and/or mid-week gatherings to get connected to NPBC family.
Love God totally, Love people authentically, and Demonstrate it daily.
Mark 12:30-31; 1 John 5:2.
Magnify God. Obey God’s Commandments. Value All People. Evangelize the World
Matt 28:18-20; 1 Pet 2:9-12.
We are on the M.O.V.E.
Our Leadership
Marcus Jerkins
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Marcus Jerkins is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ – a pastor, scholar, educator, author, and speaker. Dr. Marcus Jerkins was born and raised in Atlanta, GA.
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Courtney Jerkins
First Lady

Rev. Jerry Cunningham
Associate Pastor

Rev. James Bell
Associate Minister

Cheryl Jackson
Church Business Administrator

Niya McNeil
Church Secretary

Delisa Mitchell
Church Events Coordinator

Alvin Johnson
Chair of Deacons

Derek Cunningham
Vice Chair of Deacons

Mary Bimbo
Chair of Trustees

Bill Ellis
Vice Chair of Trustees

Victor McShan
Mark 12: 30-31
‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.
Our History
They were ambassadors for Christ – husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. They were a nucleus of faith, love, zeal and determination with one common goal: to uplift the name of God and expand His Kingdom on Earth. They saw a dream and seized it. They persevered through hope, tears, and fears with momentum, grasping more faith as the years passed. They were ambassadors for Christ and with the grace of God upon their hearts and undying faith in the Lord Almighty, the 11th Street Baptist Church came into existence. Its emergence is how we began the New Pilgrim Baptist Church, exemplary of decades of progress in God’s arena. Our history abounds with God’s blessings.
“Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
Organized: June 30, 1900 Location: Avenue C between 11th and 12th Streets, South, Birmingham, Alabama
During this time period, seven pastors led the congregation: Reverend Jerry Austin, Reverend Smith, Rever-end Johnson, Reverend F. S. Miller, Reverend J. B. Gardner. Reverend Brown accepted the call in 1909. In October 1914, Reverend W. M. Love accepted the call and served until his death.
From 1900 – 1914, worship services were held in rented houses. The first rented for $5.00 per month. In 1909, a house was converted into a church building at a cost of $2,000.00. During this 14 year period, the name was changed from 11th Street Baptist Church to St. Luke Baptist Church.
A time of trials and tribulations, there were great financial difficulties when Reverend W. H. Thomas accepted the call in 1929. The congregation moved to a new location and purchased a church building at a cost of $5,500.00 and St. Luke Baptist Church was changed to Pilgrim Baptist Church.
“As your faith increases, our field among you may be gratefully enlarged, so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you.”
Reverend H. W. Perry accepted the call in 1936, preaching on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Property was purchased for $2,500.00 and an edifice was built on 9th Street and 6th Avenue South.
Reverend Perry continued as Pastor until his death, December 7, 1950. Reverend W. M. Posey accepted the call in 1951. He was a warm loving minister and his style of preaching was effective. Under his leadership the interior of the church was renovated with air conditioning units and new pews were installed.
He served until his death. New Pilgrim Baptist Church was without a leader for approximately one year, but the Deacons carried on. The Mortgage Burning Celebration took place during this interval.
“Behold the Lord our God has shown us His glory and greatness.” Deuteronomy 5:24
Dr. Nelson H. Smith, Jr., age 22, accepted the call June, 1953 as Pastor. He became full-time on the 3rd Sun-day in August 1953. A soul stirring preacher, a powerful lecturer, and an able administrator began restructuring and revamping New Pilgrim. We gained momentum with stronger auxiliaries, increased membership and outreach pro-grams.
Under Pastor Smith’s leadership, the following were initiated:
Economics New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union, New Pilgrim Projects, Inc., The Believers, The Pioneers, The Store On Wheels
Goodwill To Others Benevolent Committee, Storehouse Programs, Committee on People’s Emergencies (COPE) Bread of Life Ministry
Education and Service Radio Broadcast, Day Care Center, Monthly Brotherhood Breakfast, Educational Fund, Inc., Christian Men Service Guild, New Pilgrim Homes, Inc., New Pilgrim Towers, Tape Ministry, Sheepfold, Deaf Ministry, The Pioneer Homes, Inc., New Pilgrim Management, Nurses Guild, The Black Women’s Forum, Mother Bessie Barber Library
Mission Church on Wheels, Church School in Haiti, Contributions to a Mission Station in Africa
Spiritual New Member Orientation, Youth Ministry, United Fathers and United Sons, United Mothers and United Daughters, Rites of Passage – Male, Rites of Passage – Female, Wonderful Wednesday, The Men’s Ministry
Social Basketball Team, Boy Scouts, Church Banquet, Church Picnic, New Member’s Fellowship Dinner, New Pilgrim Fun Day
Properties Current Facility, New Pilgrim Day Care (6th Avenue), Martin Fellowship House, Hooper City Land. Original Parsonage, Parsonage at Goldwire Way, S. W., New Pilgrim Towers, Rental Property (3rd Avenue), Administrative Annex, Bread of Life Ministry, Property at Goldwire Way, S. W.
- October 2, 1975 Groundbreaking Ceremony – 708 Goldwire Place .
- November 2, 1976 Work began – 708 Goldwire Place S. W.
- February 11, 1979 Entrance Ceremony
- September 24, 1980 Martin Fellowship House purchased
- October 31, 1980 New Pilgrim Towers Completed
- November 2, 1982 Mrs. Lincy Mae James Lots 6, 7, & 8 of Hooper’s Fifth Addition to Hooper City
- June 1, 1984 New Pilgrim’s Store on Wheels became operational
- December 1, 1985 $650,000 Bond Sale for Phase II
- October 20, 1992 The Bread of Life Ministry was established
- December 13, 1992 Special-Tique was established
- September 25, 1997 The Administrative Annex was purchased
Pastor Smith served faithfully until his death on September 10, 2006
On September 9, 2007, Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks, a preacher/pastor from Ypsilanti, Michigan, assumed the pulpit of New Pilgrim Baptist Church as its Senior Pastor. He was installed on November 11, 2007. His ministry among the Pilgrims was one of ministerial integrity and accountability, founded and fueled by transparency, integrity, honesty rooted in a love for God and God’s people. He inspired, instructed, and instilled in New Pilgrim a sense of renewal, reconnection, and revival as we embarked upon “A Season of New Beginnings.” In turbulent and trying economic times, Pastor Brooks led New Pilgrim to see that its best days were not in its past but in its future. He continued and strengthened the long history of New Pilgrim in helping those who in need. Hence, New Pilgrim continued to do more for the last, the least, and the lost of the greater Birmingham area.
Under Pastor Brooks’ leadership, New Pilgrim continued to grow, as evidenced in attendance in her worship services weekly, and in the generosity of the parishioners who gave to a level of making New Pilgrim a $1,000,000 congregation annually.
June 30, 2013
During Pastor Brooks’ time among us, New Pilgrim firmly planted the fertile roots for building a “campus for Christ” on the hallowed ground upon which the church now sits. Under the pastorate of Rev. James H. Brooks, we embarked on our move “From Grace to Glory as we broke ground for a new, state of the New Pilgrim Pavilion: a state-of-the-art family life facility for the wholeness of God’s people and to the glory of God. This day was the day that saw the New Pilgrim break ground on the journey to building this campus for Christ. The Pilgrims rallied around the vision for the future of this great church, understanding by faith that only God in heaven knows what this church would yet be. As we marched into this great destiny, the people pledged to give of self and service to climb to yet higher ground for Christ.
In 2014, under Pastor Brooks’ leadership, New Pilgrim completed the $4.2 million expansion of its Titusville campus. The New Pilgrim Pavilion was built to be a 21st-century worship, fellowship center with multiple state-of-the-art classrooms, a gymnasium, and other amenities suited to being a gospel outreach center to the glory of God. The Pilgrim Pavilion was built with a long-term vision to house the New Pilgrim Day-care (in existence since 1953) and a New Pilgrim Café and Bookstore. Plans were also made to renovate the current 1200 seat sanctuary for the enjoyment of God’s people praising God.
Pastor Brooks was an outstanding preacher who could best be described as the “Man in the Middle” a title from his initial sermon to New Pilgrim. The title was used to bring focus on Jesus as the “Man in the Middle” at Calvary. Pastor Brooks was a par excellent teacher who utilized his zeal, enthusiasm and love for God’s Word to bring “Bible Alive” teachings to his bible study sessions. Those sessions were filled with great wisdom, humor and insight that could be easily comprehended by the common person.
Pastor Brooks served faithfully until his death on September 14, 2022.
Dr. Marcus S. Jerkins accepted the call as the 13th Senior Pastor of New Pilgrim in October 2023. He preached his first sermon on December 3, 2023. He was installed on March 16, 2024. Pastor Jerkins is a pastor, scholar, educator, author, and national speaker who loves God and the people of God. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jerkins has marked 2024 as the Year of Restoration for New Pilgrim. This year, we have seen the church continue to grow. Pastor Jerkins has led the church to begin updates and renovations in the building, and he has increased our online presence through live-streaming and added social media platforms. The future is bright for New Pilgrim, a church on the M.O.V.E.
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