C.A.S.A. (Come and Seek Answers)
Chair: Deacon Derek Cunningham
Co-Chair: Pastor Marcus Jerkins
CASA is a Young Adult (ages 18-30) ministry focused around Christian Living and Fellowship. We seek God’s answers to today’s challenges.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
Children’s Church
Chair: Sis. Teashia Goodwin
Co-Chair: Sis. Wanda Toolabi
Children’s Church is an educational ministry established to teach the word of God in a fun and developmentally appropriate manner to children and youth ages, 3-18. Lessons are based on the same text referenced in the 11:00 a.m. service. Drama, games, and arts and crafts are used to emphasize biblical principles.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Deaconess Ministry
Chair: Sis. Addie Jo Chambers
Co-Chair: Sis. Felicia Minor
The Deaconess Ministry assists in carrying out the sacred ordinances of Communion and Baptism, supports the Pastor’s office and the Deacon’s Ministry, and ministers to the congregation and Birmingham community through its outreach programs. We host a birthday party at New Pilgrim Towers annually. We support the NPBC Benevolent Ministry, Firehouse Ministries, and Children’s Village.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time Saturday before the first Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Deacons Ministry
Chair: Deacon Alvin Johnson
Co-Chair: Deacon Derek Cunningham
The deacons are the pastor’s assistants and work from the Pastor’s office to provide care for church members.
Greeters Ministry
Chair: Sis Angela Malone Henry, President
Co-Chair: Bro Victor McShan, Vice President
The mission of the greeters ministry is to extend hospitality to all visitors that attend NPBC.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time
Marriage Ministry
Chair: Sis. Tyee Marks EAson
Co-Chair: Sis. Melody Cunningham and Deacon James Goodwin
Marriage ministry is seeking marital growth and maturing couples in the word of GOD by learning and applying biblical truths of sacrifice, unity, love, respect and order in the marriage. The Marriage Ministry is opened to all seasoned married couples, newlywed couples and couples soon-to-be married.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time TBD
Matrons Ministry
Chair: Sis. Rosalyne Wheeler-Butts
Co-Chair: Sis. Jessica Dukes
The mission of the Matrons Ministry is to serve others through outreach in the community.
Activities include:
- Senior Farmers Market Registration
- First Light Shelter
- Sick and Shut-In Visitation
- Bread of Life
- Mt. Pilgrim Baptist District Association
- New Pilgrim Towers September Birthday Celebration
- High School Graduate Support
- Christmas Family Project
- Mission Emphasis Sunday
- Coat Drives
- Cold and Flu Care Packages
- School Supplies
- Prayer
Ministry Meeting Day/Time 3rd Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
Mission Ministry
Chair: Sis. Dorothy Wiggins
Co-Chair: Bro. Samuel Ezell
To go out into the community and win souls for Christ by teaching and witnessing. To give of our time, talent and finances to those who are in need of help.
Ministry Meeting Day/Time Saturday before 1st Sunday at 10:00 a.m.